Saturday, 15 October 2011

National Cupcake Week - It started with a bang and ended with some jam.

My dog Spud reppin' National Cupcake Week!
As some of you may know it's National Cupcake Week from 12-18 September, but to be honest there is National [insert any product here] Week recently, it was even National Egg Week this week! (google it i'm not lying). I thought I would do my bit and join in the National cupcake Week frivolities.

Chloe Sidgwick of 'Chloe Sidgwick's guide to Sewing and Cooking' asked me to guest blog for her about my week as a cupcaker so I scribbled my week down in a diary format for her, so you can check out what I did for National cupcake Week on Chloe's Blog.

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